Friday, 16 October 2009

Justice Done!

Further to my earlier posting which was written last week and only just posted due to being bound by the court until yesterday, I am delighted to report that a guilty verdict was given.

Whilst I was not present for personal reasons I am informed that the 12 jurors made a unanomous decision after some 24 hours of being released, they found Mr. Roy John Phillips guility of forgery & false accounting and the Honourable Judge Jarvis was very damning of Mr Phillips, who had lied, manipulated and been uncooperative throughout the entire investigation & in his dealings with myself.

I have been advised that I will receive a copy of the judges comments shortly which will sum up the Judges views in respect of the case & Mr Phillips generally. So watch this space.

My family & I are most grateful to the universe and all those who supported us throughout the past four years.

Be very careful who you mix & do business with as it can be very costly when you get into business with the wrong people.

Lesson learned!



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