A US survey establishes that 80% of Americans surveyed are not living a Passionate life.... how sad is that in this day and age with so many opportunities and so much freedom of choice. The sad thing is that I expect these statistics are similar in the UK and most other European countries.
It does appear that Passion is considered the driving force in peoples lives and is also a common denominator in the lives of some of the most successful people that have ever been interviewed. Most successful people answered they were doing what they loved doing and then then the money followed later, furthermore they were really clear what they loved doing and what was of most importance to them.
From my own experience when you commit to doing something you love and are passionate about, then energy flows effortlessly to support the endeavour, as opposed to when you make a decision based purely on just financial gain, in my experience these decisions have a habit of going wrong some where down the line.
After being so delighted with the New York Times best selling book the Passion Test written by Janet Bray Attwood and her co Author Chris Attwood and the ways in which it served me and helped me gain clarity and understanding I decided to see Janet Bray Attwood speak and give the Passion Test in London on two separate occasions in 2009. My wife and I were so impressed with Janet's authenticity, humility, knowledge on human conciousness, natural law, coupled with her charm and playful energy, that I decided there & then that I wanted to become a fully trained Passion Test facilitator and learn this simple and extremely powerful process for gaining amazing clarity, connection & power, so that I could assist my family, friends and business colleagues as well as myself live a more passionate & powerful life.
Great news they just held there first 3 day course in Europe & approximately 30 of us participated over the 3 days with Janet & her inspiring team of competent and passionate trainers & we absolutely rocked the walls of the hotel, we had an absolute blast, learning the skills & secret to facilitating the Passion Test competently, which will enable all of us to assist people personally & professionally in our own lives to identify their passions, reconnect to their hearts desire, their resourcefulness & as a result obtain more clarity & power in the lives & begin to shape their destiny as they become concious creators.
Watch this space as I definitely plan to share more information on how people can get access to a Passion Test opportunity over the coming weeks & months. If you wish to be added to our list so that we can advise you of when & where our Passion Test meetings will be occurring in & a round London in the near future then please email me at. jpcmentor@gmail.com we will send you further information accordingly.
In the meantime live with passion