Friday, 5 February 2010

Politicians to be prosecuted under the 1968 Theft Act

Finally as I predicted in an early blog the CPS have now decided that it is in the public interest to prosecute politicians who have falsified their expenses under the 1968 theft act. If found guilty they may be imprisoned for up to 7 years.

I was a witness for the prosecution in a case against my former director in 2009 & after a two week trial Mr. R. Phillips was found unanimously guilty & sentenced to serve 6 years for forgery & false accounting. Read the press article here

Should you be interested to know more about false accounting, forgery, fraud or the 1968 theft act & the  indictment then please visit my site & read my detailed blog article

If you have been a victim of fraud related crime & are looking for a way to start a new business or generate a new six figured income & or improve your lifestyle or life balance then visit

Take care & protect yourselves at all times.


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